Saturday, August 11, 2007

A bridge too far. It's over.

As hinted on several blogs, we are not semi-finalist to the urban Challenge. We did not make that bridge. Thank you for all the good wishers. At some time, we'll try to write and talk more about our system of ominidirectional cameras using compressed sensing and dimensionality reduction in policies to accomplish what we intended to accomplish during the site visit.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

hold pattern

FYI, We are not reporting much as we are preparing for the site visit and trying to make some innovative use of light bulbs :-)
[update June 21: they will be on the rooftop]

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Site visit

Our site visit will take place on the afternoon of June 27th at the the Southwest Research Institute. As for the technical report, I am going to hold onto it for a little while since we are still investigating some of the final algorithms/hardware to be implemented for the site visit. I thought we would be done by then but day-jobs and other considerations are making this a little optimistic.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Technical Paper

The technical paper will be submitted to DARPA before June 1st at 5:00 ET. We will make it available on this site at that time. It consists of 25% of the grade given to the entry for a spot to the semi-finals.

Site visit announcement tomorrow

We just received this:

An email with the site visit announcement and press release will be emailed on Friday, May 11 at 1100 AM ET.

DARPA Urban Challenge

on a different note, we were featured on

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Site visit course RDNF and our algorithm presentation

The folks at Southwest Research Institute have done a great job at defining the course for the site visit. CP#6 is where the obstacle (yellow car lies). With respect to unveiling our algorithm, we are in the middle of devising a lot of things (a lot of us have finals) for the time being but we have given an outline on the basics needed to a implement a GPS waypoint following vehicle by pointing out to the effort of a vehicle prepared by a large University next door (disclaimer: we have no connection what so ever with this effort) which eventually did not enter the Grand Challenge. Most entries on the subject will be at

Monday, April 16, 2007

Unveiling our algorithm, trade-offs and implementation

It is still a work in progress for some parts, but we are going to unveil the algorithm driving our vehicle: Pegasus Bridge 1, as we go along. We are still gathering data and evaluating them against different algorithms. We expect to talk about the implementation as well as the general concepts from GPS waypoint following, road following, situational awareness and learning rules. We hope to be able to do this in a timely manner, but as we are under-manned, between reporting on the algorithm and making it better we will always go for the latter. The reporting will take place here.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Part 4 Video submission completed.

We sent our video to DARPA yesterday. Next stop San Antonio at the Southwest Research Institute.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Visit of the Southwest Research Institute and our Strategy

As usual the visit at Southwest Research Institute went very smoothly. We are working on our video for the part 4 of the application. Because our approach is truely innovative and we expect no other team to go our route, we are unveiling our algorithm/software strategy in several excerpts here as we go along.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Site visit will take place at Southwest Research Institute

Since we liked it so much last year, we have decided to come back to SouthWest Research Institute for the DARPA site visit. Photos of the site can be found here.